How to integrate Stripe with Yotta Pay?

How to integrate Stripe with Yotta Pay?

To integrate Stripe with Yotta Pay, follow these steps:

1. Open an account at Stripe by clicking Start now and following the instructions.

2. Once your account is set up, go to the Stripe Dashboard.

3. Click on Settings in the top right corner.

4. Navigate to Payment method domains.

5. Add new domain, type in "" and save the changes

6. After adding the domain, your dashboard will reflect the changes.

7. From the main settings menu, choose Payment methods.

8. Select default configuration.

9. Scroll down and ensure that cards, Apple Pay, and Google Pay are activated. If the Link option is enabled, disable it for a clearer visual of the checkout page.

10. After completing these steps, your list of payment methods will display the activated options: Cards, Apple Pay, and Google Pay.

11. Your Stripe account is now set up for Yotta Pay usage. Connect it to your Yotta Pay app by finding your publishable key and secret key on the home or developer page of your Stripe dashboard.

Home page
Developer page

12. Copy both keys and paste them into the Yotta Pay app > Business > Stripe.

13. Choose one of the four checkout option to decide how you will present it to your customers.

You are ready to go. Cards/Apple Pay/Google Pay options will be offered to your clients across all your payment channels, including app requests, online integrations, payment links, etc. If you don’t need it any more, you can stop using Stripe by visiting Stripe section of the app immediately.

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