How to read NFC (Android)?

How to read NFC (Android)?

NFC scanning is available on most modern Android devices. You can check the whole compatibility list on the web. If your smartphone does not have the technical ability to read NFC tags, we suggest scanning a QR code instead. Once you have determined if your device supports NFC, it's important to understand how to turn the feature on and off. Depending on the manufacturer, it’s possible your device supports NFC but, by default, came with it switched off in the settings:

  1. Swipe down from the top of your screen to reveal Settings.
  2. Click on the gear icon.
  3. From the list, select Connected Devices.
  4. Set the NFC switch to On to activate an NFC scanning.

To use an NFC-enabled payment terminal:

  1. Hold the top edge of the phone over the Yotta Pad™ or Yotta Pocketbank™. Please note that the maximum scan distance is about 3 cm. Your device should recognise the NFC tag and show a notification.
  2. Tap the notification to open the payment link.