How to add the Faster Checkout module to your WordPress (WooCommerce) website?

How to add the Faster Checkout module to your WordPress (WooCommerce) website?


Before installing and connecting the module, ensure you have downloaded the Yotta Pay app and activated the business plan.
If you haven't done so already, please refer to this page for instructions. Once you have registered, you can proceed with the installation of the  module.

You can find the web page of the module here.


  • WordPress Version 5.3 or newer (installed)
  • WooCommerce Version 3.9 or newer (installed and activated)
  • PHP Version 7.0 or newer


There are two types of module installation:

  • Automatic Installation: This option is easier as WordPress will transfer files automatically and there is no need to leave your browser.
  • Manual Installation: Follow the step-by-step instructions provided below for manual installation.

Automatic Installation

1. Log in to WordPress/WooCommerce dashboard.
2. Hover over Plugins and click Add New Plugin.

3. Use the search form in the top-right to search Yotta Pay Payment Gateway.

4. Click Install Now, wait for the plugin to install, and then click Activate.
5. If you want to activate it later, you can do so in the Plugins page by clicking Installed Plugins.

Manual Installation

The manual installation method involves downloading plugin and uploading it to your web server via your favorite FTP application. Refer to the WordPress/WooCommerce support for instructions on how to do this here.

To manually configure the Yotta Pay Faster Checkout module, follow these steps:

1. Navigate to the module page, click Download and save the module .zip file.
2. Navigate to your WordPress Dashboard.
3. Hover over Plugins and click Add New Plugin.
4. Click Upload Plugin, then Choose File, find the .zip file you just downloaded and click Install Now.

5. Wait for the plugin to install, and then click Activate Plugin.

6. If you want to activate it later, you can do so in the Plugins page by clicking Installed Plugins.

Primary Initialisation

Plugin authorisation

1. Navigate to your WordPress Dashboard.
2. Hover over Plugins and click Installed Plugins.

3. Click Settings under Yotta Pay Payment Gateway.

4. Click the Log in with Yotta Pay button.

5. The Yotta Pay authorisation page will be opened.

6. Scan the QR code on the authorisation page with your mobile device camera app.
7. The QR code will redirect you to the Yotta Pay application. Once redirected, you will be prompted to perform authorisation. Click Allow to grant access to the module.

8. Once you allowed the access, you will be redirected back to the Yotta Pay Plugin Settings Page.

Select Checkout payment methods

1. The Checkout Description parameter value will be automatically set based on your Yotta Pay business account configuration. However, if you wish to customise which payment methods are displayed on the checkout page, you can manually change the parameter value.
2. Click Save Changes once done.

Tracking conversions and monitoring client behaviour

With Yotta Pay Faster Checkout module you can enable conversion tracking for various traffic acquisition channels (Facebook, Instagram, Google, direct, and organic):

1. Enter Google Tag Manager ID in the respective parameter tab.
2. Click Save Changes once done.

Enabling Welcome Loyalty program

If you have your Welcome Loyalty program set up, you can also enable it in the Faster Checkout module.

1. Ensure the Loyalty program is enabled in the Yotta Pay App by navigating to Business > Loyalty program > Enable loyalty program.

2. Navigate back to your Yotta Pay Plugin Settings Page.

3. Set the Welcome Loyalty Rate to indicate the loyalty points offered to each customer since the start date of the Loyalty program. Retroactive rewards are granted only once for one order.

4. Set the Welcome Loyalty Upper Limit option to restrict welcome loyalty rewards for unusually high-value orders in the past (set to zero if not applicable).

5. Set the Loyalty Started option to specify the date since which customers can sign up for the Loyalty program and enjoy welcome loyalty for any first order. It is recommended to set this date at least one year back.

6. Click Save Changes.


1. Navigate to your WordPress Dashboard.
2. Hover over Plugins in the left panel menu and click Installed Plugins.
3. Click Enable Auto-Updates in the Yotta Pay Payment Gateway section or click Update Now on the update message notice.

If you require any support, feel free to reach out to us at We're here to help!