How to add the Yotta Pay Faster Checkout module to your Magento (Adobe Commerce) website?

How to add the Yotta Pay Faster Checkout module to your Magento (Adobe Commerce) website?


Before installing and connecting the module, ensure you have downloaded the Yotta Pay app and activated the business plan.
If you haven't done so already, please refer to this page for instructions. Once you have registered, you can proceed with the installation of the  module.

You can find the web page of the module here.


  • Adobe Commerce
  • Magento Open Source (version 2.3 or newer installed)


There are two types of module installation:

  • Automatic Installation: This option is easier as the platform will transfer files automatically and also allow for easy receipt of updates without any additional activities.
  • Manual Installation: Follow the step-by-step instructions provided below for manual installation. Direct link to the plugin files.

Automatic Installation

1. Log in to the Commerce Marketplace.
2. Navigate to the Faster Checkout module page, select the platform Edition and Your store version, then click Add to Cart.
3. Click the cart icon, then click Proceed to Checkout.

4. Enter your billing information and click Place Order. Please note that the module is free, and you will not be charged. The platform requires billing info even for free purchases.

5. Wait until the purchase is completed, then click Install.

6. You will be redirected to the Products Page. The Faster Checkout module has been successfully added to the list of your products available for installation in your store.

7. Use a command line to navigate to the Magento directory.
8. To enable maintenance mode, use the following command: bin/magento maintenance:enable
9. Set the latest module version number (e.g. 2.0.0) and update your composer.json: composer require yottapay/module-payments:<version>
10. Enter your authentication keys if prompted (your public key is your username; your private key is your password).
11. Wait for Composer to finish updating your project dependencies and make sure that there aren’t any errors.

Manual Installation

The manual installation method involves downloading plugin and uploading it to Magento directory.

1. Download the latest version of the module from the direct link and copy it to the directory.
2. Use a command line to navigate to the Magento directory.
3. To enable maintenance mode, use the following command: bin/magento maintenance:enable
4. Unzip module files: tar -xvf yottapay_yotta-pay-payments-latest.tgz

Enabling Module

1. To verify that the extension installed properly, run the following command: bin/magento module:status YottaPayIntegration_Payments
2. Enable the module and clear static view files: bin/magento module:enable YottaPayIntegration_Payments --clear-static-content
3. Register the module: bin/magento setup:upgrade
4. Recompile your project. To do that, in Production mode, you may receive a message prompting you to "Please rerun Magento compile command" (the application does not prompt you to run the compile command in Developer mode): bin/magento setup:di:compile
5. Verify that the module is enabled: bin/magento module:status YottaPayIntegration_Payments
6. Clean the cache: bin/magento cache: flush bin/magento cache:clean
7. Disable maintenance mode: bin/magento maintenance:disable

Primary Initialisation

Plugin authorisation

1. Navigate to your Admin Dashboard, then click STORES > Configuration > SALES > Payment Methods.
2. Under OTHER PAYMENT METHODS dropdown, open the Yotta Pay — Faster Checkout™.

3. Click Log in with Yotta Pay. The Yotta Pay authorisation page will be opened.

4. Scan the QR code on the authorisation page with your mobile device camera app.
5. The QR code will redirect you to the Yotta Pay application. Once redirected, you will be prompted to perform authorisation. Click Allow to grant access to the module.

6. Once you allowed the access, you will be redirected back to the Admin Dashboard.
7. Navigate again to STORES > Configuration > SALES > Payment Methods, under the OTHER PAYMENT METHODS dropdown, open the Yotta Pay — Faster Checkout™ card.

8. Set the Auto Invoice and the Long Term Confirmation parameters according to your needs.
9. Click Save Config once done.

Select Checkout payment methods

1. The Checkout Description parameter value will be automatically set based on your Yotta Pay business account configuration. However, if you wish to customise which payment methods are displayed on the checkout page, you can manually change the Checkout Description parameter value.

2. Click Save Config once done.

Tracking conversions and monitoring client behaviour

With Yotta Pay Faster Checkout module you can enable conversion tracking for various traffic acquisition channels (Facebook, Instagram, Google, direct, and organic):

1. Enter Google Tag Manager ID in the respective parameter tab.

2. Click Save Changes once done.

Enabling Welcome Loyalty program

If you have your Welcome Loyalty program set up, you can also enable it in the Faster Checkout module.

1. Ensure the Loyalty program is enabled in the Yotta Pay App by navigating to Business > Loyalty program > Enable loyalty program.

2. Navigate again to STORES > Configuration > SALES > Payment Methods, under the OTHER PAYMENT METHODS dropdown, open the Yotta Pay — Faster Checkout™ card.
3. Set the Welcome Loyalty Rate option, indicating the loyalty points offered to each customer since the Loyalty program's start date. Retroactive rewards are granted only once for one order.

4. Set the Welcome Loyalty Upper Limit option to restrict welcome loyalty rewards for unusually high-value orders in the past (set to zero if not applicable).

5. Set the Welcome Loyalty Started option, specifying the date since which customers can sign up for the Loyalty program and enjoy welcome loyalty for any first order (it's recommended to set it up at least one year back).

6. Click Save Config.


You will receive an email notification when the new version is released. You can then follow the link in the email to navigate to the module's Release Notes. Alternatively, you can visit this link.

Automatic Installation

1. Use a command line to navigate to the Magento directory.
2. To enable maintenance mode, use the following command: bin/magento maintenance:enable
3. Update the module: composer update yottapay/module-payments
4. Run the following commands to upgrade, deploy, and clean the cache: bin/magento setup:upgrade --keep-generated bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy bin/magento cache:clean
5. Disable maintenance mode: bin/magento maintenance:disable

Manual Installation

1. Download the latest version of the module from the direct link.
2.Use a command line to navigate to the Magento directory.
3. To enable maintenance mode, use the following command: bin/magento maintenance:enable
4. Disable the module and clear static view files: bin/magento module:disable --clear-static-content YottaPayIntegration_Payments
5. Remove current module files: rm -rf app/code/YottaPayIntegration/Payments
6. Unzip downloaded module files: tar -xvf yottapay_yotta-pay-payments-latest.tgz
7. Enable the module and clear static view files: bin/magento module:enable YottaPayIntegration_Payments --clear-static-content
4. Run the following commands to upgrade, deploy, and clean the cache: bin/magento setup:upgrade --keep-generated bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy bin/magento cache:clean
5. Disable maintenance mode: bin/magento maintenance:disable

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